remedello interno

 The Archaeological Museum of Remedello is housed in the former Church of the Disciplines of the end of the 1400s, which is decorated with an impressive series of frescoes focusing on stories from the life of Jesus by the local artist Lamberto Orazio De Rossi. The museum was established in 1975, thanks to the Centre for Local Promotion, in order to preserve the numerous archaeological finds from the area, which were gathered in the church, where, from the 60s onwards, items had been kept from the Carlotti collection, owned by the Bonsignori di Remedello Institute. The collections were augmented in the 80s following of the activity of the local archaeological group and excavations by the Archaeological Superintendency of Lombardy. The exhibition of state-owned materials is organized chronologically, with finds and context materials that testify to the settlement of the territory of Remedello from the Neolithic to the High Middle Ages. Among the Neolithic pieces, of note are finds of the Early Neolithic Vho culture (late seventh and early sixth millennium BC) from the Cascina Bocche di Isorella area. The Copper Age and Remedello culture of 3400-2500 BC, known from important nineteenth-century funerary finds in the Dovarese area, are represented in the museum by a crouched female burial figure from the Barfield excavations in 1986, numerous flint tools found in various locations around Remedello and Ca’ di Marco di Fiesse, bell-form vessels from Dovarese and Gardoncino di Isorella and a pure copper axe head found on the Chiese River bed at Acquafredda. The testimonies of the territory relating to the Bronze Age begin at the final phase of the Early Bronze Age, with ceramics and an enigmatic tablet from Pellissare di Casalpoglio), and continue with materials from the Middle Bronze Age settlement of Gardoncino di Isorella and that of the Late Bronze Age of Carpenedolo in the Campo Chiusarino area. Also preserved at the Museum are five important bronze swords, to be interpreted perhaps as offerings to a water deity, of which four from the Middle Bronze Age found in the bed of the Chiese River, between Carpenedolo and Remedello, and the fifth from the beginning of the Late Bronze Age found near the Mella riverbed in Pavone. The Late Bronze Age is well documented through excavations at the settlement of Casalmoro, inhabited in the twelfth and eleventh centuries BC. A gap in finds for the ninth and eighth centuries BC is followed by artefacts from the Barfield excavations in Dovarese in 1986, such as burial tombs of the sixth century BC and materials attributable to Etrurian culture in the Padana region. From the fifth century BC is a Certosa type buckle from surface investigations in area of Colombaie Isorella. Several important necropolises illustrate the transition to the Second Iron Age and the Gallic settlement of the territory. From the second century BC are two warrior tombs from the Remedello Sopra necropolis in the Tagliate area, whose decorative pieces include a sword and sheath, a spearhead, a mollusc shell, a knife, buckles, coins and, from the second tomb, a water flask. From the period between the La Tène D and Imperial ages is the Remedello Sotto Corte necropolis, of which some decorative elements remain. Finally, from the period between the first century BC and the first century AD is the important Roman necropolis of Acquafredda, in the Borgo dei Lupi area, which comprises 135 tombs, mostly of cremation type, with a remarkable wealth of decorative funerary objects . Of great interest is a rare example of a Celtic coin, thus far unique in Italy, coined in east-central Gaul between 78 and 58 BC.

Opening times:
Sundays and public holidays in summer: 3 pm to 6 pm
Sundays and public holidays in winter: 2:30 pm to 5:30 pm
During the week only on reservation.


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